Jumat, 21 November 2014

Pada posting kali ini admin http://paketcctv.com mau share pengalaman bagaimana Cara Sederhana Memperkuat Sinyal Hp/Handphone Di Rumah (ga Pake Ribet)

Begini Ceritanya

Bagi pengguna handphone sinyal adalah teman sejati dimana2 orang bilang "ga ada sinyal" "lagi cari sinyal" "sinyalku lemot" ampe "baterai isi lemah" emang sinyal ganteng ,cantik atw bla bla bla. . ! Bukan Cantik atau etc. Melainkan suatu kebutuhan sebagai syarat terjadinya komunikasi 1 atau 2 arah pada pengguna handphone/hp,apalagi seperti saya yang punya hobi browsing,chating,blogging, etc. Kendalanya yaitu ketika sedang asik2nya lagi chating sama dia kok ada tulisan "no conection" , hadew brabe dah "Bagaimana Solusinya??" kwakkwak. . . kehilangan momen.
Dengan demikian admin mungkin cukup beralasan untuk ngeshare pengalaman "Cara Sederhana Memperkuat Sinyal Hp/Handphone Di Rumah (ga Pake Ribet)" sabar ngopi dulu!Penasaran? Oke cara ini mungkin berbeda dari kebanyakan bacaan seperti ini di dumay! penguat sinyal

Adapun Caranya sbb:

1.Dengan Kaca Jendela

Jendela-aluminium-sejajar.JPG Dengan cara menempelkan handphone/hp di kaca jendela cukup efektif untuk merangsang atau menaikan sinyal biasanya sinyal naik 2-5full. Ga tau kenapa alasan ilmiahnya yang penting Sinyal gue dapet.

2.Dengan Antena Radio

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQlpGedV-50fsDjcgEVW_OMenempelkan hp pada antena radio.Cara ini Sering saya lakukan ketika berada didalam kamar sambil ngopi.zip . Sinyal dari yang tadinya nol "0" naik 2-3 bar. Untuk alasan mungkin cukup nalar cz dideketin sama antena radio. Terus juga lebih aman dari pada antena Televisi(external), bisa2 hape agan kena bledeg. JUEGerrr. , .

3. Dengan Aluminium Foil

tin-foil_3651.jpgMenambahkan kertas aluminium dibelakang handphone didalam cashing. Cara ini cukup Lumayan saat hape posisi standby kalo lagi di luar rumah dikira2 aja dapet mengefisiensi sinyal sekitar 5%-10% "walopun ga ada sinyal , bisa kirim sms dengan mendiamkan hape pada posisi ga bergerak"

4.Menggunakan Asbak

asbak.jpgMenggunakan Asbak(tempat putung rokok) "Kok Asbak?!" Ya! Cara ini merupakan cara yang istilahnya boleh dikatain Extream berdasarkan pengalaman saya,kenapa cz ketika saya liat temen nyari sinyal terus saya bilang "Di taruh di Asbak ya,ntar enek sinyale!" malah temen pada cengengesan di kira aing lagi bercanda. Terus ketawa Wakawakakakak. . . Tapi setelah tak yakinin Ternyata jadi terus pada ketawa lagi Wakawakakak. . . "nah Loo. . Dadi kan!" lagian asbak tempat tegesan ko dijadiin penguat sinyal.dengan catatan asbak yang bahannya aluminium.nalar kan!??

5.Pemutakhiran penguat sinyal gsm

Cara ini mungkin belum pernah saya praktekan ya. . .istilahnya mau kasih ide sapa tau ada yang mau buat. Caranya dengan penggabungan ke.4 metode di atas menjadi 1 cara,yaitu handphone/hp di tempelin Aluminium Foil dalamnya , terus diletakan diasbak dan ditempelin antena radio jangan lupa letakan rangkaian dekat/nempel jendela Kaca.

Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014

Woodworkers Best Tool Table Saw

As oven is to a baker,so is the table saw to a wood worker.There can be no wood working operation unless there is an efficient and good sawing machine in the workshop.Wood cutting operation has been going on since time immemorial.Earlier it was done by using axes and other hand held saws.But with the changing times,technology also altered and innovative ideas set ground for the modern day table sawing machines.
Earlier the whole operation was done manually and proved to be quite a tedious task.But the invention of electricity and the subsequent technological advancements lead to the introduction of the motor run saws.These tools use electricity to operate.This has also lent a push to the production lines too.More is achieved in comparatively lesser time.
There are mainly three types of saws which are in wide use.The bench top table saw is the most basic kind of an instrument placed on the table.These kinds of saws are light weight and are designed to be carried by a single individual for work.The bench top saws are the least expensive of the trio and are also the smallest in size.
The contractor table saw is slightly heavier and bulkier than the hand held one.It is the common choice of contractors who have a sawing table at the construction site.It is also preferred by the more space conscious workers and definitely has a lot less energy consumption.
Cabinet table saws are the heaviest among all types of ripping instruments.They have a cabinet shaped base and are run on electricity.These kinds of saws are the most efficient and in much demand.
There is another kind of table saw which is a fine mix of all the above featured saws and that is why it is called the hybrid table saw.It is a mainly a mix of the contractor and the cabinet table saws.This kind of saw provides a large working surface,has a powerful base and is accurate.
There are multiple brands in the market which manufacture and promote the sawing instruments.Some of the well established brands are Hitachi,Bosch,Makita and Ryobi which have a complete range of table saws and the various accessories needed for wood work and carpentry.
Even though wood work has become highly mechanized and the sawing equipments have their own safety measure,yet it is advisable to follow some safety rules while working on the saw.Any accident on the work place can prove fatal if proper care and precaution is not taken. Some of the basic rules which need to be followed while working with the wood can be enumerated as follows:
Compulsory use of safety glasses or a face shield while working.
Use a sharp blade while working with wood as it will lessen the friction.
Ensure safety guards are in proper place.
Do not push the wood with hands in the same line as of the blade.
Stand to one side in case of kickback.
Keep the area around the saw uncluttered.
Unplug the device when not in use.
If all the above things are taken into consideration and all the rules followed strictly,wood working can become a delightful and hassle free activity with positive results.
For more information on Table Saw and Portable table Saws please visit our website Good woodworking tips